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Reference Data Made Simple

Reference Data Made Simple

Accelerate the integration and management of reference data with SPORIFY

SPORIFY is our industry-leading reference data management solution that provides everything you need to easily and efficiently meet emerging ISO IDMP standards and health authority reference data requirements.

Seamlessly leverage SPORIFY on top of your existing database to both ensure your data is harmonized and consistently compliant amid ever-changing regulatory standards, while driving significant efficiencies and cost savings across your operations.

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Here’s how you can simplify reference data management.

Experience SPORIFY Benefits

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Simplified Compliance

Make it simple to prepare and maintain regulatory data compliant with emerging ISO IDMP standards and ever-evolving global IDMP implementations including SPOR.

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Manage Ever-Changing Data

Maintain compliant data even as health authority data changes with automated workflow triggers and notifications that inform you of needed changes

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Unmatched Efficiency Gains

Drive significant time and cost savings by reducing tedious manual work needed, including up to 75% efficiency gains on initial data preparation and mapping.

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Harmonized Data

Establish a single, centralized environment for managing data, including system-agnostic integrations to enable the reuse of regulatory data across systems and global regulators.

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Enhanced Insights

Gain real-time visibility into compliance status across your operations, in addition to dashboards and analytics to optimize operational performance.

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Seamlessly Deployable

Enable seamless deployment via lightweight API’s that connect to your RIM solution, avoiding a timely and costly migration or needing to overhaul how you work.

SPORIFY to Help Solve Major Industry Challenges

With the EMA implementing ISO IDMP requirements and other global regulatory agencies soon to follow, Life Sciences organizations need to move past traditional reference data management methods that are tedious, time-consuming, and open them to major compliance risk.

SPORIFY is designed to help you overcome these challenges sooner than later and do more with less and proactively ensuring you have the data framework in place to achieve compliance today and maintain it over time amid ongoing regulatory updates.

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